ASP - America’s Swimming Pool Company is dedicated to making an impact.
We have the opportunity to work with water every day. And we understand that clean water matters, not only for pools but also on a global scale for people’s health. We are excited to work with an organization that’s bringing health to communities around the globe that need it most.
Join us in partnering with OneWOrld Health
The reality of poverty hits you when it has a face and a name, and you see it day in and day out.
It hits close to your heart. Take 4-year-old Eddie. He walked into a pit where people burned trash and suffered severe burns on both legs. In a desperate attempt to save him, Eddie's parents rubbed dirt and ash on his legs believing this would help protect the open wounds. Infection set in. The local public health staff advised Eddie's parents to take him home and keep him comfortable while he died. Instead, the OneWorld Health Uganda staff quickly administered antibiotics and cleaned and wrapped his burns. They did so every day for months. Today, Eddie is 10. He plays soccer and visits the medical staff each month. This would not have been possible without access to clean water in the clinical setting.
Join America’s Swimming Pool Company in Supporting OneWorld Health
Donate today or learn about OneWorld Health volunteer opportunities.
Bringing sustainable healthcare to East Africa and Central America.
We believe all people deserve access to clean water.
Help support our partnership.
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ASP Gives Day
2022 ASP Gives Day dates will be announced soon! Follow us on social media for updates.